SWARP training on waves - ice monitoring and forecasting

Work package/Task: 

WP6 - Demonstration

The training workshop on wave and ice forecasting will take place on 28th - 29th September 2016, at NERSC.

The workshop is free and open to current and future users of operational sea ice and wave forecasts with a particular interest in navigation close to the ice edge or into the Marginal Ice Zone.

The training course aims at teaching
- the methods of operational oceanography in the Arctic
- notions of numerical modelling of ocean waves and sea ice,
- notions of remote sensing
- how to use them in the onboard and onshore e-navigation softwares from NAVTOR AS.

The SWARP sea ice and wave services are contributing to the Copernicus Marine Services and the IOWAGA wave services respectively.

Please register before the 16th September on this page:

(you will also find the agenda there)
