WP6 - Demonstration

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WP6 - Demonstration - NAVTOR

Bjørn Åge Hjøllo, NAVTOR

Forecasting Services

Navtor has changed the way “Paperless navigation” is working, and are now pushing the International Maritime Organization IMO’s mandatory electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) requirement (see http://www.navtor.com). In principle the Navtor ENC service has the following components: a Navtor data server, communication between ship and shore, an onboard planning and updating tool (NavTracker), an optional route-planning tool (NavPlanner) and ECDIS functionality.


Movie: Explaining the NAVTOR NavStation digital chart system (movie).

In SWARP Navtor plans to extend Navtor navigational services with a MIZ module, demonstrating data harvesting from SWARP partners, extension of Navtor Data Servers and the onboard transmission service, and finally integration with the on board decision-and-contingency systems, NavTracker and NavPlanner. NavTracker is today widely used by offshore operators, and also by short sea ship owners in Europe. For offshore and shipping companies planning to operate in MIZ regions, such a service is of crucial importance. As commercial shipping groups plan for an Arctic shipping route, the request for more detailed ice information will also increase. The outcomes of SWARP will bridge this gap between available and needed information on the MIZ.

NavTracker Screendump

Figure: Screendump from NavTracker showing vessels’ positions and MetOc forecasts in the Barents Sea.




D6.3 MetOcean product enhancement report

Having set up a high-quality monitoring and forecasting system does not guarantee that the service will be fit for the purpose or ships in operations. E-Navigation services are challenged in high latitudes by the poor coverage of communication satellites. Although several initiatives are ongoing to improve communications in Arctic waters, we still need to assume that these will remain poorer than normal in the foreseeable future.

D6.1 First User Feedback Report

The established connection to the project partner NAVTOR gives direct channels to a network of potential users of the developed new products within the SWARP project. To have NAVTOR as a project partner also gives the opportunity to have direct feedback during the project development stages.
This first user feedback report is based on NAVTOR’s User Seminar in April 2016 as well as two exhibitions where NAVTOR participated and presented the SWARP project and future products that will be available.

SWARP training on waves - ice monitoring and forecasting

The training workshop on wave and ice forecasting will take place on 28th - 29th September 2016, at NERSC.

The workshop is free and open to current and future users of operational sea ice and wave forecasts with a particular interest in navigation close to the ice edge or into the Marginal Ice Zone.


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